suspect abuse? donate

Overview of Sessions

Advanced Use of Tools & Presenting Evidence

This training provides participants with foundational knowledge and instruction on the practical application of tools during the forensic interview, including but not limited to: mapping, drawing, and discussion of outside evidence. Tools that a child/adolescent may offer or bring into the interview (journals, cell phones, etc.) will also be covered.

Trauma Informed Forensic Interviewing

This training expands on the information about trauma presented in OCFIT with topics including but not limited to: childhood traumatic stress, trauma effects at each stage of development, how trauma presents during the interview, and interviewer response.

Project Ability

An advanced forensic interview training designed to increase the interviewer’s comfort and confidence to work effectively with children with disabilities when there is a concern of abuse or victimization. Learn the disability and abuse risk factors; identify the categories of disability that impact functioning, and explore the characteristics of, and the interview accommodations for children within four main categories of disabilities.